
The sun is finally out! If you are looking for ways to bask in the sunlight while enjoying some delicious food and drink, join us at Cinnamon Bazaar Richmond to get some of that much needed Vitamin D! We're only a few meters away from Richmond station.

And if the weather decides to pull the rug out from under us, don't worry, we'll still help you dine outdoors under our awnings.


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A note from the restaurant

While the restaurant floor is accessible, the toilets are situated on a different floor and unfortunately, we do not have a lift on premises. Please contact the restaurant with any queries.

A note from the restaurant

The restaurant is entirely at street level and is therefore accessible to those with mobility challenges. Please contact the restaurant in case of queries.

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Card CTAs

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Voluptate enim ullamco excepteur aliquip. Velit ut culpa ullamco nisi voluptate enim nostrud mollit enim ipsum ut. Amet aute voluptate esse exercitation laborum aliqua adipisicing aute sunt nisi velit. Qui amet ex sint consectetur nulla exercitation pariatur irure ex Lorem.

Button CTAs

Id eiusmod voluptate sunt Lorem labore veniam qui eu aute laboris aute fugiat ea. Duis aliquip laborum nisi Lorem qui culpa sunt laboris eiusmod labore.

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Voluptate enim ullamco excepteur aliquip. Velit ut culpa ullamco nisi voluptate enim nostrud mollit enim ipsum ut. Amet aute voluptate esse exercitation laborum aliqua adipisicing aute sunt nisi velit. Qui amet ex sint consectetur nulla exercitation pariatur irure ex Lorem.

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Voluptate enim ullamco excepteur aliquip. Velit ut culpa ullamco nisi voluptate enim nostrud mollit enim ipsum ut. Amet aute voluptate esse exercitation laborum aliqua adipisicing aute sunt nisi velit. Qui amet ex sint consectetur nulla exercitation pariatur irure ex Lorem.